Saturday 28 March 2015

Macgregor's morning memoir.

I’m dreaming.  Or am I.  No.  How can I be asleep if I am thinking? I slowly open my eyes, and close them again as I think that it’s a school day.  I then fall into unconsciousness.  I must be asleep.

I open my eyes again and see the light seeping through a gap in the curtins.  I see the light pouring through the slightly ajar door.

My duvet is somewhere other than on top of me, My sheet is down the side of the bed, and I am…who knows.

I hear the opening of a door and see the blinding light, I close my eyes hurriedly pretending I’m asleep, and before mum can give me a kiss BOO!  AHHHHH!  YES! Oh no it’s time to get up I think.

I slowly tumble out of my soft bed, I feel like a dead washing machine on a plate of jelly while hitting the floor and sluggishly waddling out of the now open door.

I the living room I hear clattering in there’s kitchen from my mum making breakfast, crunching of toast from in between my dads teeth and my brother’s nowhere to be seen.  It’s 7:30 he’s probably caught the bus.

Breakfast time.

By Macgregor.

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