Monday 30 March 2015

A Perfectly Painful Saturday.

The ref passed Rosie the netball. We’d already won the paper scissors rock, so we got to start with the ball. I wondered how my recently broken toe would hold after skipping 3 games. It often started aching but I’d learnt to deal with it. The buzzer startled me out of my day-dream. Game on!!! My old school were our opponents. I won’t lie, they’re a good team. Nervous, but excited I waited for my team to need my help. Being a defence player, I don’t get the ball often unless my netball team were playing a team that was about to score a goal. I play goal keep so I’m often needed to stop goals from my opponents team. My team was going great, they probably wouldn’t need me for a while. That quickly changed. Bright water’s goal keep intercepted a ball mean’t to be thrown to Paris and sent it up the court in a whirl of flapping girls trying to catch it. I rushed forward with a sudden surge of energy against the cold wintery morning. Annoyingly my player followed. The game finally got interesting.

By Gina                                         

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