Sunday, 26 July 2015

Careers Day

Last Friday we had the opportunity for some of our local parents to come in and talk about their jobs.

The children were given the chance to listen to the following jobs:
  • Architecture/Design
  • Fashion Design
  • Engineering
  • Nursing
  • Soliciting
  • Science Workshop at Cawthron Institute
Below are some cool snapshots of the day. Thank you so very much to those parents who came in to help us out and teach our kids new and exciting things. I learned that Jaffa Cakes are in fact a cake, not a biscuit!! 

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Jump Jam Leaders

On Thursday, the Year 7s had the opportunity to lead Jump Jam for the whole school. The kids were SO excited and did a great job.

Here is a snippet of their leadership in front of the whole school. SCARY!

Portrait Art

To start the term off on a high this week, we decided to do some art to brighten up our classroom.

Miss McKenzie found a cool website that detailed how to draw screaming faces and use pastel and water colour to make bright faces and crazy hair.

We started with a pencil drawing, adding detail to our portraits and then coloured over these with vivid. We then added pastel to our drawings and finished with water colour for the hair.